for dirtbags by dirtbags
Swimming for centuries in the murky depths contained in the Ozark foothills, the mystical Merfolk first surfaced in Bentonville Arkansas in 2021. Little is known about their origins, and even less is known about how they got so far from the nearest ocean. Arkansas is filled with a myriad of mysterious bodies of water, and one can only assume that there is a secret underground channel known only to fishkind. Tyler Siems and Taylor Weichman first learned of the mythical powers of these underwater creatures whilst engaging in a diving trip that took them straight to the bowels of hell. Steam and heat billowed forth from the glowing red chasm at the bottom of the lake, but the simple dirt surfers knew not what perils lay below. They entered the subterranean cavern and bore witness to the end of a mighty battle being fought beneath the water. The battle had raged for centuries, with neither side gaining ground until the birth of the one foretold. When the silt had settled, a single victor remained: the Unholy Diver. Its powers could not be denied, and its might became legend.
(cue guitar solo)
Real Talk though,
Merman Bicycles, based in Bentonville Arkansas (self-proclaimed MTB capital of the world), is focused on creating “fun-forward” bikes. Founded by dirtbag trail riders Tyler Siems and Taylor Weichman, to create an optimizable trail platform that would allow any rider to make their bike into almost anything they need it to be. Not too slack, not too twitchy, not too rowdy and not too tame. After a few prototype iterations, they believe that they have created a bike that is juuuuuust right. The little Goldilocks that emerged from almost two years of riding and refining is called “Unholy Diver”. A shreddy hardtail with the desire to blast when pointed down, and still conquer even the techiest climbs. You make your own rules, Unholy Diver won’t tell you how to live your life